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Khrushchev “Political Errors” Detailed by Soviets

Oct. 29, 1964 - A document accusing Nikita Khrushchev of 29 political errors and counts of personal misconduct was reported today to have been transmitted to Soviet party organizations by the Kremlin leadership.

The former Premier was accused, among other things, of having caused a Soviet defeat in the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, having reduced the Chinese‐Soviet conflict to a clash of personalities, having underestimated the scientific progress of the Chinese Communists, and of having instituted erroneous reforms in the structure of the Soviet Communist party.

The 40‐page document has been shown to foreign Communist delegations that have come to Moscow to request explanations of Khrushchev’s dismissal.

The document submitted to the foreign Communist delegations was the first set of reasons for the Khrushchev removal offered by the Soviet leadership outside the Central Committee of its own party.

Some of the most important of the charges in the document were:

— Khrushchev committed errors in his Cuban policy and invited defeat of his policy by introducing missiles into Cuba in the fall of 1962.

— Khrushchev had reduced the Chinese ‐ Soviet ideological conflict to the level of personal polemics between himself and Mao Tse‐tung. He underestimated the speed of scientific progress which permitted Peking to explode its nuclear bomb.

— He reintroduced a Stalin-type personality cult for his own benefit.

— His personal behavior in office was unfitting for a Communist leader.

— He made hasty decisions and speeches without prior reflection or consultation with his colleagues in the leadership.

— He ended the “collective leadership” that had begun after Stalin's death and instituted a new one‐man rule of his own.

Khrushchev is reportedly receiving a pension of 1,000 rubles a month and living in a four-room apartment near the Kremlin. He is also reported to have a chauffeur-driven Volga automobile at his disposal.

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