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Khrushchev: Critics Are “Degenerate” and Crazy”

Apr. 5, 1964 - Premier Khrushchev strongly defended today his policy of seeking to improve the living standards of the Soviet people. Alluding to the Chinese Communists, the Soviet leader said criticism of this aim as “degenerate” and “crazy.”

In another illusion to Peking, which defends Stalin’s dictatorial and aggressive policies, Khrushchev said: “Anyone who loves Stalin can take him if they like the smell of corpses.”

The Soviet Premier spoke to a crowd of about 80,000 gathered to welcome him to Miskolc, a manufacturing center in northeastern Hungary that is the country’s second most important industrial city. Khrushchev, who has been in Hungary on an official visit since last Tuesday, traveled to Miskolc by special train with the Hungarian Premier, Janos Kadar (right), and other figures of the Hungarian Communist party and Government.

In a 20-minute talk, the Soviet leader hailed the “correct teaching” of the Hungarian Communist party, which he said “reflects the interests of the peasants, workers, and office employees.”

“This is not the teaching of the people who want to bring Stalin’s corpse back to life, who do not rely on the ideas of Marxism-Leninism, who want to rely on the ax and the knife,” he added.

Khrushchev began his speech quietly. but as he warmed up his voice rose. He began to shout and wave his arms as he ridiculed assertions by the Chinese that they would rely on their own resources for economic development.

“Only a complete idiot,” he declared, “could pretend to prove that it is easier to build Socialism alone than by using the possibilities and support of the fraternal community of peoples who had previously taken the road. Their charges against me make me proud. I am proud because of the work our party and our people are doing for civilization. In contrast with Stalin’s deformations, we have done great work. To satisfy man’s needs — that is rebirth. How crazy it is to look on that as degenerate!”

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