Jan. 13, 1963 - With a not-so-subtle dig at Paul Brown, his recently fired Cleveland coach, Jim Brown (left) paid high tribute to Allie Sherman (right) for helping make it possible for him to win Pro Bowl player-of-the-year honors today for the second straight time. Driving to 2 touchdowns and setting up another for Sherman’s triumphant Eastern troops, the 230-pound Cleveland fullback rushed for 141 yards, shattering his Pro Bowl record of 120 yards set last January. For a year or so, personal relations between the two Browns have been on the frigid side. Without directly referring to Coach Brown by name, Jim made his point when he said: “This was my biggest game of the season. It’s a little different when you’re happy playing. A coach who believes in your abilities makes all the difference, and I guess I’ve played a couple of pretty good games in the Pro Bowl for Coach Sherman. He’s gotten a lot out of me because he’s fair, and he’s generous with praise when you do something well.” Brown said he planned to take a week off, then go back to work for a soft-drink firm which plans to break him into a new and more lucrative side of the business — national accounts.
