Jan. 14, 1964 - Frosty weather and warm greetings marked the arrival of President Antonio Segni of Italy today. He and Mrs. Segni began a two-state visit to Washington. President Johnson and Secretary of State Dean Rusk went to Union Station to greet the visitors as they arrived by train from Baltimore. It was 18 degrees outside. Mr. and Mrs. Segni and their party flew to Baltimore this morning from Montreal, to which their plane had been diverted last night because of the weather. Mr. Segni, a small, spry man whose head came to Mr. Johnson’s shoulder, got off first. Mr. Johnson greeted him with great cordiality. Mrs. Johnson was ready with a bouquet of red roses for Mrs. Segni.
Mr. Johnson spoke briefly but warmly, reminding Mr. Segni of his two visits to Rome as Vice President, and tracing Italian-American relations back to the discovery of the new world by Columbus. Mr. Segni, in his reply, linked the U.S. and Italy not only historically but as having Governments “which are inspired by the principles of freedom, justice, and democracy and which defend these principles on a common frontier of ideals.”
The Italian President, who entertained President Kennedy at the Quirinal Palace during Mr. Kennedy’s trip to Rome last summer, paid high tribute to Kennedy. “His generous and bold image is among those that left a mark on our times and brightly enlighten our future,” he said. “In remembering him with deep emotion, we renew our pledge to continue along the path which he has shown us, and to carry on his task in the defense of liberty, social progress, and peace.” The two Presidents rode in a closed limousine through the snow-clogged streets of Washington about 24 blocks to Blair House, the official visitors’ residence. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Segni rode in a separate limousine.
