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Ike Continues Attack on Kennedy Administration

Oct. 15, 1962 - Former President Eisenhower attacked tonight the Kennedy Administration’s “dreary foreign record of the past 21 months” and then turned his rhetorical guns on the President’s younger brother, Senate candidate Edward M. Kennedy. “It is too sad to talk about,” he said in his first condemnation of President Kennedy’s foreign policy. At a Republican campaign dinner in Boston’s Commonwealth Armory, General Eisenhower said regarding his own Administration: “In those eight years, we lost no inch of ground to tyranny. We witnessed no abdication of international responsibility. We accepted no compromise of pledged word or withdrawal from principle. No walls were built. No threatening foreign bases were established. One war was ended, and incipient wars were blocked.” The references obviously were to the Communist-built barrier separating East and West Berlin and the buildup of Soviet arms in Cuba. Gen. Eisenhower never mentioned Edward M. Kennedy by name. But he paraphrased the candidate’s slogan, “I Can Do More for Massachusetts” and left no doubt of his opinion when he called it “crass” and “arrogant.”


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