Dec. 3, 1963 - Sheriff’s detectives said last night that the lives of slain actress Karyn Kupcinet and her boyfriend, TV actor Andrew Prine, were threatened in crude notes pasted to their doors shortly before her death. Prine, 27, told detectives he and the actress discounted them as the work of crackpots. He said the notes appeared several months ago and stopped when he and Miss Kupcinet moved to new addresses. Prine said they weren’t coherent threats but a series of warnings such as “You’re going to die.” Prine turned several of the notes over to detectives. They were paste-ups put together with words cut from newspapers. The disclosure came after it was revealed that Miss Kupcinet may have been strangled to death by a powerful left-handed killer who used only one hand to throttle her. Detectives also said she probably knew the killer. The actress’s body was found nude on a couch in her Hollywood apartment. There were no signs of a struggle. Her body was discovered by friends Saturday, three days after she was killed. Four of her friends, including Prine, were questioned intensively Saturday and Sunday and released after being given lie detector tests. Prine, who had been Miss Kupcinet’s regular boyfriend until a recent breakup, told detectives he had spent the evening of the slaying with a date, actress Anna Capri. Police later questioned Miss Capri. Detectives said Miss Kupcinet was distraught over her broken romance with Prine, who co-stars on NBC’s “Wide Country.”
