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Humphrey Seen as Best Choice for Democratic VP Candidate

Jan. 2, 1964 - Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota placed first in a national poll of Democratic county chairmen on the party’s best choice for the Vice-Presidential nomination this year. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy was a close second in the poll, taken by The Associated Press. Mr. Humphrey received 185 votes and Mr. Kennedy 166. Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy and Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, youngest brother of President Kennedy, also received some votes in the poll, indicated the Democratic leaders’ belief in the political power of the Kennedy name. Commenting on the poll, Senator Humphrey said, “It is, of course, an honor to be associated with President Johnson, and it would be a singular honor to be with him on the Democratic ticket.” He added that he was “honored and flattered” by the poll results. “The decision for Vice President, however, will be made by the Democratic convention, which I am confident will respect the wishes in this matter of President Johnson,” he said.

In naming him, the leaders most frequently said that a Northern liberal would be needed to balance the Democratic ticket next November. Much the same thinking was expressed by those who said they thought the Attorney General would make the strongest running mate for Mr. Johnson. Mrs. Kennedy was mentioned for the nomination by chairmen in Rhode Island, Kansas, and Kentucky. In Kentucky, Mayor R.D. Graham of Bowling Green said: “There is some talk that the GOP is planning to nominate Mrs. Margaret Chase Smith [Senator from Maine] as their Vice-Presidential candidate. If they do, then I think the Democrats should nominate Mrs. John F. Kennedy.”


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