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Goldwater Speaks in California

Aug. 1, 1964 - Senator Barry Goldwater said today that “bombs will never stamp out Communism” but that the United States must maintain a position of strength to insure peace.

He spoke to 12,00 members and guests of the Bohemian Club’s summer encampment in Santa Rosa, Calif. Newsmen were barred, but guests reported that Goldwater had said:

“Peace depends solely on a position of strength. History back through thousands of years has proved that peace is maintained and defended by strength.”

But, he added, “we should never advance aggressively.”

“Bombs will never stamp out Communism. The only way to overcome an idea is with a better idea,” he said.

“I am absolutely opposed to any war of our own choosing with any Communist country. But to avoid such wars, we must never, never back away from threats.”

Goldwater motored to the Santa Rosa airport after the talk. There he chatted with reporters.

He said he could not understand why President Johnson had ruled out Cabinet members as possible running mates.

“Bobby Kennedy would be the strongest Vice-Presidential candidate because he is well known,” he said, “and the weakest would be Humphrey because he is the least well known.”

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