June 19, 1963 - Elizabeth Taylor (pictured last night at the Cassius Clay-Henry Cooper fight) said today she will marry Richard Burton as soon as possible. Confirming earlier reports, her secretary said: “I’ve just talked to Elizabeth, and she says it’s true. But she doesn’t want to say any more than that.” To make the marriage possible, Miss Taylor, 31, must first divorce Eddie Fisher, and Mr. Burton, 37, must divorce his wife, Sybil. In New York today, Mr. Fisher commented: “I will do everything in my power to accommodate the lady. I wish them all the happiness in the world.” Mrs. Burton, also in New York, was silent. Mr. Fisher is Miss Taylor’s fourth husband. She was married previously to Nicholas Hilton, Michael Wilding, and Michael Todd. Todd was killed in a plane crash in 1958. Miss Taylor and Mr. Burton, both staying at London’s Dorchester Hotel, are expected to try for a fall wedding.
