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Dogs and Hoses Break Up Civil Rights Demonstrations in Maryland

Feb. 26, 1964 - Police dogs and fire hoses were used to disperse Negro college students in two racial demonstrations today in Princess Anne, Maryland. The police said acid was thrown on a state trooper during one encounter. At least 20 demonstrators were taken to jail after they had sat down in the street and refused to move. A spokesman at Peninsula General Hospital in Salisbury said a trooper, Colin Macindae, had been released after treatment.

Between 250 and 300 students from Maryland State College demonstrated in the business district in the town of 1,300 residents. The police used the dogs to disperse them after 45 minutes. Later, 150 more students headed for town, but firemen stopped them two blocks from the campus with fire hoses. Two students were knocked from their feet by the water. This demonstration lasted about 30 minutes.

Some of the demonstrators were charged with disorderly conduct and with having refused to obey an officer’s command. Those arrested included John Wilson, 20-year-old leader of the Student Appeal for Equality, which called the demonstration after Mr. Wilson and two other leaders had been refused entrance to a segregated restaurant. Mr. Wilson resisted arrest and was carried to a car by three troopers.

At the jail, two blocks from the site of the downtown demonstration, the arrested students clapped, sang, and shouted insults to troopers outside.

© 2024 by Joe Rubenstein

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