May 16, 1963 - The battery of Johnny Podres and Johnny Roseboro (pictured) was just what the doctor ordered for the Dodgers in today’s series opener with the Pittsburgh Pirates. Roseboro’s two-out single in the ninth inning scored Jim Gilliam to give the Dodgers a 1-0 victory over the Pirates before a Los Angeles throng of 21,287. Podres, a left-hander, scored his second victory in beating Don Schwall in a duel that boosted the Dodgers into second place in the National League, three games behind San Francisco. Both pitchers allowed seven hits. Schwall, who had shut out Los Angeles in his last start against them, pitched out of two major jams before Roseboro delivered the game-winning hit. Maury Wills, who played third base today with Jim Tracewski at shortstop, was caught on a steal attempt in the first inning by catcher Jim Pagliaroni after successfully pulling 11 capers in a row. Later on, Pagliaroni also nailed Wally Moon on a steal attempt. After the game, Wills had this to say about his return to third base after a six-year absence: “I’ve played third enough times to know what to expect there, but it still takes some time to readjust after being at another position so long. For one thing, batted balls come at you from a different angle, and there are more curving drives to handle than when you’re playing shortstop.” Tomorrow night’s pitchers are Bob Miller (2-2) of the Dodgers against southpaw Joe Gibbon (2-0) of the Pirates. A fashion show featuring 30 Dodger Dollies will begin at 7:30 p.m. Saturday’s matinee is expected to be a duel between Don Drysdale and Vern Law.
