Nov. 17, 1962 - When Johnny Carson (pictured with Mel Brooks) replaced Jack Paar on NBC-TV’s Monday-through-Friday “Tonight” show on Oct. 1, he had no illusions about the assignment. “It’s just about what I figured it would be,” he said today. “The schedule is rough, but I’m starting to settle down a little.” From his Manhattan apartment, Mr. Carson usually travels to the studio at about 2 p.m. By that time, he has read several newspapers that might provide ideas for topical remarks on the program. “I don’t try to avoid current events, and I don’t consider politics taboo,” Mr. Carson said. “I believe it’s the kind of program where if you’ve got something to say about what’s going on in this nutty world of ours, you should do it.” The entertainer, who looks younger than his age — he is 37 — is a native of Corning, Iowa, and a graduate of the University of Nebraska. Married and separated, he is the father of three boys ranging in age from 8 to 12. He has appeared on many panel and variety shows and has played roles on the “U.S. Steel Hour” and “Playhouse 90.” For five years, he was the host of ABC’s daytime attraction, “Who Do You Trust?” But he finds the “Tonight” show different from anything he has tried before. “It’s a chess game,” he said. “It changes right on the air. That’s what makes it exciting."
