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"Capeman" Killer Denied Hearing

Nov. 20, 1961 - The Supreme Court today denied a hearing to Salvatore Agron (left), a Puerto Rican boy facing execution in New York for the slaying of two 16-year-old boys in a darkened playground on Manhattan’s West Side. Agron stabbed the two boys to death on Aug. 30, 1959. His counsel said he was then one day past his 16th birthday. Agron was known as the Cape Man after the murder because he wore a red-lined nurse’s cape during the stabbings. Counsel for the boy said the stabbings occurred when 15 teenage Puerto Ricans sought revenge on an Italian group for an alleged earlier assault. Neither of the victims had any connection with the original targets of the Puerto Rican group. The youth’s lawyer said that he would ask Governor Rockefeller for clemency in view of the “extreme youth of the defendant” and on the basis of “medical evidence that Agron was seriously mentally ill” at the time of the crime.


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