Mar. 15, 1964 - Manager Yogi Berra (pictured left with Yankee photographer Bob Olen and Joe DiMaggio) is finding things out quickly — like who can pitch and who can’t.
It is too early for conclusions, of course, but Bud Daley passed his first test today. The lefthander put a pleasant finish on an otherwise horrid matinee in which the Yankees were destroyed, 10-1, by the Baltimore Orioles in Miami, Fla.
Daley, trying to come back from elbow surgery, pitched two good innings, which was more than the starter could do. Stan Williams was crushed in a nine-run second inning and became the first pitcher to feel Yogi’s hook.
Afterward, Berra expressed neither shock nor satisfaction. “About what I expected,” he said. “Not Williams — I thought Stan would have a good start. Both [Pete] Mikkelsen and [Bob] Meyer were nervous. Daley looked okay, but he didn’t throw hard.”
Bud agreed. “I felt strange out there. I didn’t know where to put my feet. I threw mostly curves. But my arm feels good, and I’m satisfied.” The southpaw gave the last three of Baltimore’s 16 hits but was not scored upon.
The Birds banged eight hits in their bat-around, six off Williams and a triple and double against Mikkelsen. There were 14 Baltimore batters in the half-hour session, and it only ended when left fielder Tom Tresh went to the left-center fence for a fine running catch with two more runners streaking toward the plate.
Williams, a flop last spring after coming over for the Dodgers in the Moose Skowron deal, usually has a bad first inning. Today, he just delayed his badness a bit.
Steve Barber, the Birds’ 20-game winner, stifled the Yanks for three innings. The Bombers never seem to bother this particular lefty.
