Aug. 18, 1964 - The Beatles gave away one of their secrets at a frantic press conference at the San Francisco Hilton Hotel tonight.
Ringo Starr disclosed they do go to the barber despite their trademark hair mops.
“Why certainly we do,” said Ringo. “We go every three weeks regularly.”
The four lads lined up behind a cluster of microphones for the press interview, which was abruptly terminated when a group of teenaged girls slid open the paneled doors behind them and started the Beatle scream.
The Beatles headed for the nearest service elevator and retired to the seclusion of their 15th floor suites.
An elderly participant in the questioning lost his temper and yelled at a girl no more than 12, “Why don’t you go home and help your mother with the dishes?”
She snapped back, “Aw, shut up, you dirty old man.”
It was that kind of a teenage madhouse around the Hilton this afternoon and evening.
Asked if they intended to tour San Francisco before tomorrow night’s show at the Cow Palace, Ringo, the big talker, said: “No, we’d have to race around San Francisco in a car, and we wouldn’t see anything.”
John Lennon, the literary Beatle, said they didn’t know yet where they would stay when they returned to Los Angeles for their show at the Hollywood Bowl, since learning that the Ambassador Hotel had canceled their reservations.
“They don’t seem to want to let us stay anywhere,” he remarked.
Fred Hayman, manager of the Ambassador, canceled their four suites with this statement: “After exploring all possible measures that might be taken, it would be impossible to insure protection for the Beatles, the hotel guests, and the teenage Beatle fans.”

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