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Beatlemaniacs Ask about Ringo

Dec. 2, 1964 - While Beatle drummer Ringo Starr was recovering from his tonsil operation today, five telephone girls were hard at it answering calls from fans. Yes, five — to deal with thousands of get-well-soon messages, including some from America, Canada, and Australia.

The girls were chose from 73 at the Covent Garden exchange, London, to give bulletins on Ringo’s health after an official number became blocked.

Anxious fans who had been trying unsuccessfully to get through to the number — COV-ent Garden 2332 — had been ringing the operators in desperation.

Even since Ringo went into the University College Hospital yesterday for his tonsil operation, the number has been constantly engaged.

So, finally the five-girl Ringo team was formed to help out: Maureen Macklin, 24, from Bow; Patricia Tatt, 17, from Deptford; Brenda Anderson, 15, from Greenwich; Teresa Edmonds, 15, from Forest Hill; and Geraldine Moss 17, from Hither Green.

All are Beatles fans.

Maureen said: “We’ve been able to reassure the fans that Ringo is quite all right.”

And last night, at COV-ent Garden 2332, fans who did manage to get through heard Anne Collingham, 19, joint secretary of the official Beatles Fan Club, give this bulletin:

“Ringo’s operation was entirely successful, and he is resting very comfortably. He can’t eat solid foods yet, but he has been taking ice cream, tea, and lightly cooked eggs. He should leave the hospital by the end of next week.”

Meanwhile, the British Broadcasting Corporation was feeling the flush of embarrassment after an announcer, reading a radio news bulletin, said:
“And finally, Ringo Starr’s toenails have been successfully removed.”

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