Dec. 30, 1963 - George Halas, hale and hearty at 68, spoke and acted today like a man who expects to continue indefinitely as coach of the Chicago Bears, newly crowned champions of the National Football League. Halas was still savoring the taste of another title after 17 long, lean years of frustration. The 1963 Coach of the Year had just received a trophy, named in honor of the late President Kennedy, from Mayor Daley and the Chicago city council on behalf of the Bears, 14-10 victors over the New York Giants in Sunday’s championship game. “I want you to understand that this is all due to the efforts of the coaches and players. I am just the custodian of the honors,” Halas said upon receiving the trophy. Later, he told newsmen who had gathered in his office: “It took us two years to put in our new defense. The first year, we tightened up our pass defense. This year, we also led in defense against rushing. Next year, we’re going to work more on offense.” This didn’t sound like a man who expected to retire. “Where else would a fellow like me get a job? I feel fine,” he said. “It could be that I will coach again. In fact, I can think of no reason why I shouldn’t. I’ll take about six weeks, starting in February, and go to Arizona — but the football films will go with me.” Halas said the key to the entire season was the first game against Green Bay, won by the Bears, 10-3. “From the first day at camp, when I told the boys what plans I had for them, we were pointing toward Green Bay,” Halas remarked.
