Sept. 20, 1963 - Television actor Richard Boone, 46, suffered severe face and chest injuries early today when he smashed his powerful sports car into the rear of a parked car a block from his California home. Boone hurtled into the windshield, which shattered, inflicting numerous cuts on his face. His chest struck and broke the steering wheel. X-rays showed no rib fractures, but there was some separation of cartilage and bone in the rib cage. Boone was taken to St. John’s Hospital in Santa Monica. He remained under heavy sedation today in fair condition. The veteran actor, who starred in the “Medic” series and later as Paladin in the “Have Gun - Will Travel” series, was host last night at a press preview and party for his new series, “The Richard Boone Show,” scheduled to premiere Tuesday on NBC-TV. Boone entertained about 100 persons at the party on the MGM lot in Culver City. He left early this morning for his home at 922 Napoli Dr., Pacific Palisades. The accident occurred at 4 a.m. Boone’s Maserati two-door sedan crashed into the rear of a car owned by James Aiken in front of the Aiken home. Police said Boone’s car left no skid marks, indicating he may not have braked before the accident. The impact knocked the parked car 38 feet, officers said.
